Advice From a Formerly Lonely College Student

In 2017, Emery Bergmann, who was then a freshman at Cornell, made a four-minute video about the loneliness she felt in her first few weeks at college: Do You Ever Feel Lonely?

In “Advice From a Formerly Lonely College Student,” Ms. Bergmann, now a college sophomore, writes about what she’s learned since making the video and gives advice to new students.
Reflect a little, and share: 
 Do you ever feel lonely? If so, when have you felt most alone and why?
 What impact does social media have on feelings of loneliness? In your experience, does it worsen your sense of social isolation? Or does it make you feel more connected? Why?
 Do you find it relatively easy or difficult to make friends? What does it take for you to form genuine connections with others? What hopes and worries do you have about making friends after high school?


  1. I agree with the fact that she says people will struggle to find a group of friends to hangout in a new school.

  2. I think it's true when going to college it takes time to make friends and find people that you have similar interests with.

  3. the fact that she said she's feels alone even though she's surrounded by people kinda resonated with me and its nice to hear someone say it aloud to know there are more people who feel the same thing I guess. it's nice to feel you're not emotionally alone even though you are physically alone.

  4. I always thought that making friends in college would be a challenge, but something that can be done. This is becuase I figured everyone was in the same boat of living away and trying to make friends so everyone would want to have a friend. But that is not always the case since people may not be open to making new friends or are very judgmental of others

  5. I moved many times, so I can really understand that it is hard to make new friends and get used to a new environment.

  6. I feel that anytime you're in a new environment that it takes time to adjust and at times you will feel lonely. I don't think I was ever lonely in school because I've lived in Harrison my whole life and it just wasn't difficult to me. I sometimes worry about how i would 'fit in' in college, and even though I am many years away I still worry a little bit.

  7. When you are in a new setting it takes time to adapt. Some people adapt quickly but this girl was an outcast and expected herself to be popular like the others..

  8. If there is one thing I know is that when going to college, adjusting to the area is something that an individual needs to do, but overtime that certain individual starts to adjust to the area and the people there. So the overall gist is it takes time for all of this to happen and you will eventually get used to it.

  9. This video seems like a very real and accurate represenation of college to me because I can understand how adjusting to a new place like college can be difficult. Everyone makes college seem like when you get to college it is instantly amazing and you can adjust right away. But when you talk to first time college students they can explain how hard it is to get used to living away, how much harder school is, and how unsettling and tiering the social life can be.

  10. Everyone is different. When people are placed in an unfamiliar setting, it might not be as easy to adapt as you think. Interests, values, personalities and traits are all factors of a person's ability to adapt to a new environment and more importantly socialize and meet new people. -M

  11. I feel like a new setting can be nerve-racking and might seem lonely but if you make friends quickly in the beginning of the year when everyone else feels nervous you will feel less alone. I am not really worried abut making friends in college because I am social but if I don't make friends in the beginning I know that in time everything will be fine.

  12. Everytime when I get lonely, I don't know what to do with feeling lonely and I feel like no one cares about me anymore, but after watching the video, I was very encouraged that people out there feel the same thing as I do.

  13. People are definitely more open to making friendships at the beginning of freshman year, and therefore there is a bit of a rush to make friends at the start of the college experience. However, I think it is important to find those who make you feel happy, as well as comfortable.

  14. I completely agree with what she said because when I came to the high school from the middle school the people who I used to talk to in middle school I no longer really talk to because we no longer have classes, but eventually you make new friends so I think it’s all gonna work out for her.

  15. I'm afraid this is going to be me in college. I don't really know how to socialize with new people. Hopefully i get over my fear of meeting new people.


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