i n s p i r a t i o n : Charlie Cooper Photography

It used to be that great art was discovered by galleries; written manuscripts chosen by publishers. But these days, great content is discovered first-hand by ordinary individuals. There is no longer a barrier between the artist and the masses. If you have an online presence – and your work can be found, shared, ‘pinned’ or ‘liked’ – you can achieve a level of recognition that could once only be dreamed of. A single image or blog post can receive thousands of views in a very short time-frame; be seen by vast numbers of prospective clients, admirers, and fans. If you are an artist, photographer, writer (or any other creative entrepreneur), you need to harvest the power of the internet and create your own website as soon as possible.


  1. I really like the settings you use for your photos. They are all different and very cool. Great work!!

  2. From looking through all of your amazing photographs, I have discovered a young, inspiring artist. Your photographs speak to people and reveal the beauty of nature. We all look up to your photos for motivation and encouragement. Don't stop doing what you're passionate about!

  3. I love your website and the fact that you were driven to put this all together so fast. Your work is so powerful I truly believe you're going to be big one day :)

  4. Great shots dude! Keep it up! Came here for good pictures, and instead I found GREAT pictures! Quality Content!

  5. Your amazing dude. Love all your pictures, keep it up your gonna be even better in the future.

  6. Your work is AMAZING. Words can't express how good you are. You're so young and talented and I hope you never fall out of photography. Keep up the great work!

  7. Your work is amazing.

  8. Your photos are amazing!

  9. These photos are fantastic!!! But what I'm wondering is where do you go to take them? Like are the local or out of the states.

    1. All of them are in the USA. Most are local (NYC, CT, Westchester County) but I have some from New Orleans and Hawaii.

  10. Great work try starting your own business with this skill

  11. Great job Charlie, keep up the good work

  12. Really nice shots. I like your style of photography I think you do a great job capturing pictures of nature.

  13. I'm impressed that a kid your age can take these amazing shots. Looking at your photographs is pleasing to the eye. Continue the good work! you have so much potential and i hope you continue doing what you love

  14. I am very impressed with your work! You take better photos than most people and I can definitely see your work being displayed in the future.


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